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8 hours ago
Noticias de Feb 17, 2025
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
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Temas de hoy:
-Tropas británicas en Ucrania
-Plan de Netanyahu para Gaza
-Retirada de Irán en Siria
-Avances de IA en comunicación
-Conflicto Israel-Hamas y tregua
-Política energética de Trump
-Cambios en la Ley CHIPS
-Descubrimientos del telescopio JWST
-China y la paz en Ucrania
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8 hours ago
News for Feb 17, 2025
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
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Today's topics:
-UK troops for Ukraine peacekeeping
-Israel's controversial Gaza relocation plan
-Iran's retreat from Syria
-Meta's AI reads brain activity
-Israel-Hamas war reaches 500 days
-Trump's energy policy impacts climate
-Trump's tariffs on semiconductor chips
-Leo P galaxy surprises astronomers
-China's role in Ukraine peace
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- AI news
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8 hours ago
Noticias de Tecnología de Feb 17, 2025
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
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-Hasta $2500 de descuento en la compra de un automóvil Tesla - https://bit.ly/AutomatedDailyTesla
Temas de hoy:
-Reddit introduces paid subreddits
-SpaceX plans Starbase city
-Meta's brain-reading AI breakthrough
-China-U.S. tech rivalry escalates
-NanoCas revolutionizes gene editing
-AI security risks and regulations
-Meta's humanoid robot ambitions
-NASA's Blue Ghost lunar mission
-React deprecates Create React App
-Cambridge's solar-powered CO2 reactor
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* Spotify
- Tech news
* Apple Podcast
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- Hacker news
* Apple Podcast
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- AI news
* Apple Podcast
* Spotify
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9 hours ago
Tech News for Feb 17, 2025
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
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-Get $10 off Perplexity.ai subscription - https://bit.ly/TheAutomatedDaily_Perplexity
-Up to $2500 off the purchase of a Tesla Car - https://bit.ly/AutomatedDailyTesla
Today's topics:
-Reddit's paywall strategy
-SpaceX's Starbase city plans
-Meta's brain-reading AI breakthrough
-China-U.S. tech rivalry escalates
-AI security risks and regulations
-NanoCas revolutionizes gene editing
-Elon Musk's xAI funding efforts
-QA Wolf's automated testing innovation
-IonQ's quantum computing advancements
-China's super diamond development
-React's Create React App deprecation
-Cambridge's solar-powered CO2 reactor
-Meta's humanoid robot ambitions
-NASA's Blue Ghost lunar mission
-Sentry's Uptime Monitoring feature
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- Tech news
* Apple Podcast
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- Hacker news
* Apple Podcast
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- AI news
* Apple Podcast
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9 hours ago
Noticias de IA de Feb 17, 2025
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
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-Obtén $10 de descuento en la suscripción de Perplexity.ai - https://bit.ly/TheAutomatedDaily_Perplexity
-Hasta $2500 de descuento en la compra de un automóvil Tesla - https://bit.ly/AutomatedDailyTesla
Temas de hoy:
-Google abandona diversidad e inclusión
-Musk y riesgos de propaganda AI
-China lidera en farmacéutica innovadora
-Prohibición de chatbot DeepSeek en Corea
-The New York Times adopta AI
-Filosofía y desarrollo ético de AI
-Manipulación humana por agentes AI
-NATO y herramienta de vigilancia marítima
-Atajo para transcribir notas manuscritas
Suscríbete a fuentes específicas por edición:
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* Spotify
- Tech news
* Apple Podcast
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- Hacker news
* Apple Podcast
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- AI news
* Apple Podcast
* Spotify
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9 hours ago
AI News for Feb 17, 2025
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
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-Get $10 off Perplexity.ai subscription - https://bit.ly/TheAutomatedDaily_Perplexity
-Up to $2500 off the purchase of a Tesla Car - https://bit.ly/AutomatedDailyTesla
Today's topics:
-Google ends diversity initiatives
-Elon Musk's AI controversies
-China's pharmaceutical AI advancements
-South Korea bans DeepSeek AI
-AI in New York Times journalism
-Philosophy and AI development
-AI manipulation and human behavior
-NATO's maritime AI tool
-Handwriting transcription with AI
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* Spotify
- Tech news
* Apple Podcast
* Spotify
- Hacker news
* Apple Podcast
* Spotify
- AI news
* Apple Podcast
* Spotify
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9 hours ago
Noticias de Hacker News de Feb 17, 2025
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
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-Obtén $10 de descuento en la suscripción de Perplexity.ai - https://bit.ly/TheAutomatedDaily_Perplexity
-Hasta $2500 de descuento en la compra de un automóvil Tesla - https://bit.ly/AutomatedDailyTesla
Temas de hoy:
-Ballena traga a un kayakista
-Bases de datos gigantes en SQLite
-Radar SAR casero en drones
-Jailbreak WinterBreak para Kindles
-Representación de grafos en PostgreSQL
-Rendimiento de TLS en C++
-Hospedaje Unix vs servicios en la nube
-Comparativa de modelos de embeddings
Suscríbete a fuentes específicas por edición:
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- Tech news
* Apple Podcast
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- Hacker news
* Apple Podcast
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- AI news
* Apple Podcast
* Spotify
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9 hours ago
Hacker News for Feb 17, 2025
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
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-Get $10 off Perplexity.ai subscription - https://bit.ly/TheAutomatedDaily_Perplexity
-Up to $2500 off the purchase of a Tesla Car - https://bit.ly/AutomatedDailyTesla
Today's topics:
-Graph data in PostgreSQL
-Massive SQLite database migration
-Kindle jailbreak WinterBreak
-Homemade radar drone innovation
-Word embeddings and DSMs
-Thread-local storage in C++
-Shared hosting vs cloud services
-Kayaker swallowed by whale
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- Tech news
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- Hacker news
* Apple Podcast
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- AI news
* Apple Podcast
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2 days ago
Noticias de Feb 16, 2025
2 days ago
2 days ago
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-Obtén $10 de descuento en la suscripción de Perplexity.ai - https://bit.ly/TheAutomatedDaily_Perplexity
-Hasta $2500 de descuento en la compra de un automóvil Tesla - https://bit.ly/AutomatedDailyTesla
Temas de hoy:
-Propuesta de ejército europeo
-Retirada de Irán en Siria
-Evolución de inteligencia humana
-Brote de gripe aviar H5N1
-Contaminación del aire global
-Desnuclearización de Corea del Norte
-Avance ruso en Ucrania
-Fortalecimiento de la OTAN
Suscríbete a fuentes específicas por edición:
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- Tech news
* Apple Podcast
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- Hacker news
* Apple Podcast
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- AI news
* Apple Podcast
* Spotify
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2 days ago
News for Feb 16, 2025
2 days ago
2 days ago
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-Get $10 off Perplexity.ai subscription - https://bit.ly/TheAutomatedDaily_Perplexity
-Up to $2500 off the purchase of a Tesla Car - https://bit.ly/AutomatedDailyTesla
Today's topics:
-Zelenskyy proposes European defense force
-Iran's retreat from Syrian bases
-New study on intelligent life
-H5N1 bird flu outbreak concerns
-Global air pollution crisis
-North Korea denuclearization talks
-Russia captures Berezivka in Ukraine
-NATO strengthened by Putin's actions
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- AI news
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2 days ago
Noticias de IA de Feb 16, 2025
2 days ago
2 days ago
Bienvenido a 'The Automated Daily', tu fuente definitiva para una experiencia diaria de noticias optimizada y perspicaz.
Por favor, apoya este pódcast visitando a nuestros patrocinadores:
-Obtén $10 de descuento en la suscripción de Perplexity.ai - https://bit.ly/TheAutomatedDaily_Perplexity
-Hasta $2500 de descuento en la compra de un automóvil Tesla - https://bit.ly/AutomatedDailyTesla
Temas de hoy:
-Impacto de la IA en desarrollo web
-Filosofía y ética en IA
-IA en procesos de contratación
-Actualización de políticas de OpenAI
-Mejoras en Vision Pro de Apple
-Riesgos de IA en desarrollo software
-Calidad del código asistido por IA
Suscríbete a fuentes específicas por edición:
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- Tech news
* Apple Podcast
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- Hacker news
* Apple Podcast
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- AI news
* Apple Podcast
* Spotify
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2 days ago
AI News for Feb 16, 2025
2 days ago
2 days ago
Welcome to 'The Automated Daily', your ultimate source for a streamlined and insightful daily news experience.
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-Get $10 off Perplexity.ai subscription - https://bit.ly/TheAutomatedDaily_Perplexity
-Up to $2500 off the purchase of a Tesla Car - https://bit.ly/AutomatedDailyTesla
Today's topics:
-AI's role in web development
-Philosophical debates on AI
-AI-assisted programming limitations
-AI in recruitment processes
-OpenAI's new content policies
-Apple Vision Pro updates
-AI risks in software development
-AI's impact on code quality
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- Tech news
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- Hacker news
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- AI news
* Apple Podcast
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